Thursday, September 21, 2006

What We're Listening To: The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers

I lack both the street cred and the wit to write lengthy reviews on this blog or elsewhere. What I hope this will become will be a forum to share what new (or rediscovered) stuff Eboarders and DJs have been listening to incessantly. I'm hoping if I kick things off, others will follow (fingers crossed).

The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers

Look past the verbosity (hint: the song titles aren't any better) of the "begging to be taken seriously" band name. These guys, like me, are from Chapel Hill...and we're suckers for mellodrama.

I first ran into this band on a podcast from KEXP (out of Seattle, WA) about a month ago. The music is at once orchestral and raw, deliberate and driven, and I think it suits this, the first cold night of the fall. So there you go. The good news is that the band is offering a ton of free MP3 downloads here. Any of the songs that have links can be downloaded by right-clicking and hitting 'save as'. They'll have a *new* full-length out soon. Enjoy.

In case you're dense (we love you anyway):
Free Songs.
Buy It.

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